We’ve found your money, and we can help you get it back.

If our organization has contacted you, it’s because we believe that we have found money that belongs to you or a relative.

We’ve all heard that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Well, rest assured, this isn't one of those things. Restored Wealth representatives audit government agencies throughout the country, digging through their public records in search of lost, missing, and unclaimed funds belonging to private citizens.

Give us the opportunity to
prove to you the that funds we’ve identified are yours.

If you've received a letter, postcard, or telephone call from our organization, give us a call, and let us show you what our research has uncovered. You won't believe it until you see it!

We don’t get paid
unless you do.

That’s right! Our firm will cover all expenses related to the claim until it is paid, and if the claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing! We work on a contingent basis so there are no out-of-pocket expenses to you. We’re paid only upon the successful collection of your claim.

“Without the help of the people at Restored Wealth, I would have never known about the thousands of dollars that were owed to me. Getting this money back has changed my life!”

— Sandy, Athens GA